Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I thought your name was Noah Macaroni. I thought it was the coolest
name ever because I LOVE macaroni. Still do! And your hair even did
that curl thing. I didn't learn your real name until years later, but
you've always lived up to my "cool" expectations. We met at A.P.
Giannini and sat in the back. It was the first time I was considered
part of a "rowdy" group. And boy did you turn the quiet girl into a
fiesty one. Mostly because Mike would bug me and I'd scratch or pinch
him to leave me alone. You liked to egg him on and I wish I had eggs
to throw at you two. We lost touch after 8th grade and only saw you in
passing in High School. I had heard you dropped out and got your GED.
Too cool for school. Or too bored of it maybe.
I'm so glad I gave into the world of Facebook. Without it, we wouldn't
have met up a few years ago. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to
meet you again. Not in this lifetime anyway. I hope you go in peace.
But I hope you don't go too much quicker. And I'm definitely glad you
haven't gone too suddenly.

More to come,
Lisa Dang